HI-FLOW GROUT is specially designed for use where high tolerance, high strength and high fluidity are required. It is formulated as a natural aggregate system with a shrinkage-compensating binder and is highly flowable without sacrificing strength or performance capabilities. HI-FLOW GROUT is formulated to provide consistent and exacting performance in critical grouting operations.
Features & Benefits:
- Highly fluid for ease in placement
- High strength for maximum load bearing
- Non-shrink with minimum positive expansion for high-tolerance performance
- Non-bleeding and non-segregating at a fluid consistency
- Does not contain any chlorides or additives which may contribute to corrosion of base structure
- Total shrinkage compensation provides a maximum bearing surface for the greatest overall support
- Rapid strength gain to minimize turnaround time for equipment regrouts
- Excellent working time at high ambient temperatures
- Heavy duty grouting of machinery and equipment
- Structural columns
- Crane rails
- Bridge seats
- Bearing plates
- Anchorages
- CRD C 621, Corps of Engineers specification for non-shrink grout
- Shows positive expansion when tested in accordance with ASTM Specification C1090, œStandard Test Method for Measuring Changes in Height of Cylindrical Specimens from Hydraulic-Cement Grout
- ASTM C1107, œStandard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (non-shrink)
- Canada MTQNSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, potable water compatibility