
8in 9x9 Hot Dip Galvanized Ladder Mill

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220 Ladder Mesh Reinforcement's cross rods are spaced so block cells are not obstructed, allowing easy placement of vertical rebars.

  • A full 8" splice between lengths of ladder is facilitated
  • Hohmann & Barnard's Lox All® Truss-Mesh and Lox All® Ladder-Mesh are continuous lengths of joint reinforcement that are embedded into the horizontal mortar joints of masonry walls
  • Joint reinforcement has long proven to be necessary for superior performance of masonry wall construction


  • Greatly reduces cracking that can arise from thermal stresses. This enhances resistance to water penetration, as cracks are controlled.
  • Increases lateral flexural strength.
  • Bonds exterior and interior masonry wythes together in composite or cavity walls. Also bonds masonry at intersecting walls and corners
  • Increases elasticity and performance of masonry walls under various stresses


  • Butt-welding of cross rods to longitudinal rods (not more than 16o.c.). This construction enhances bonding capabilities, eliminates projection of cross rods beyond the specified width of reinforcement, and prevents excessive build up of wire in limited mortar joints
  • Continuous deformation along each longitudinal rod for superior bonding performance
  • H&B products conform to ASTM A951 standard specification for masonry joint reinforcement
